Monday, January 2, 2017
Marketing Starts with Content
A blank screen stares back at me this morning, much like a blank new year awaits. Time rolls on!
Speaking of blank screens - an enduring issue I see when I stick my head into the SMB world that my clients inhabit is lack of content - one of the toughest kinds of blank screens. How to fix this? Quite often, the longer the question lasts, the easier the answer tends to be -
Most often the first answer is - get a camera and USE IT. Online marketing is reliant on images, and images can be surprisingly hard to come by.
This brings up a second answer. Develop a simple version 1 strategy in order to have a guide for using that camera. It doesn't need to be rocket science.
Third answer - keep it real. Include real faces, real hands and real places. Try and keep your light source behind you, but other than that let'er rip. The beauty of digital cameras is that images are cheap. Take alot. Think about each one if time allows for some basic composition, but otherwise hit that shutter button!
I had one client who always took pictures of roofing projects. One shot was always the 'before' because that was part of making the bid. Once I saw a few of those 'before' shots, it was easy to then add an 'after' shot. The same sales rep was always at the initial meeting and the followup signoff, so the same camera, same photographer and same setting were fairly easy to do. The hardest part was remembering to take the 'after' shot.
For that client, pairs of images documenting the change was simple and effective when it came to showing what my client's company did - roofing, siding and windows.
It's not all and only images, but they do play a critical role. When it comes to making impressions, building trust, and capturing attention, good imagery captures the eye early on in the 'process'. With eyes captured, effective writing then has a chance to further capture attention and build trust. The reading and hearing brain is the most critical builder of trust and making judgment, but your efforts rarely get that far without good imagery to initially capture attention.
be real
content marketing
create content
take pictures
Stoughton, WI 53589, USA
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